Poster Session 1
Chair: Guillaume Wunsch, Université Catholique de Louvain
Projections of living arrangements of the elderly by sex, age, and household position in Poland Anita Abramowska, Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics
Economic consequences of immigration from Turkey Bulent Acma, Anadolu University, Turkey
Determinants of unintended pregnancy among currently married women in Nepal Ramesh Adhikari, Center for Research on Environment, Health and Population Activities (CREHPA) ; Kusol Soonthorndhada, IPSR, Thailand ; Pramote Prasartkul, Mahidol University
Disability in India: an overview Praween Kumar Agrawal, Johns Hopkins University and Collaborative Centre, Lucknow, India
Women’s autonomy and its impact on fertility decision making: a study in rural Haryana, India in the perspective of low child sex ratio Sutapa Agrawal, Independent Consultant
Practicing preachers: reproductive behavior of rural health workers in Iran Shirin Ahmadnia, Ministry of Science, Research & Technology, Iran ; Amir-Houshang Mehryar, Ministry of Science, Research & Technology of Iran ; Nahid Salehi, Center for Population Reseach & Studies in Asia and the Pacific
Reproductive health knowledge and attitudes among Iranian adolescents Shirin Ahmad-Nia, Ministry of Science, Iran
Reasons of postponement of births: comparison of Estonia and Finland Mare Ainsaar, Tartu University ; Pirjo Paajanen, The Population Research Institute, Helsinki
Administrative sources and population statistics Fiona Aitchison, Office for National Statistics, UK
Fatherhood in Russia - Evaluation of biological and fanthropological assumptions with demographic data David Alich, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Trends on diabetes and obesity prevalence in Latin America and the Caribbean: a review of the literature and new estimates Flavia Andrade, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Factors affecting attitude toward safe sex and reproductive health among Shiraz City youth Farah Asna-Ashari, Ministry of Education, Iran ; Habib Ahmadi, Shiraz University, Iran
Population environment and development: some issues in sustainability of Indian mega-cities of New Delhi and Kolkata(Calcutta) Anuradha Banerjee, Jawaharlal Nehru University ; Sharmistha Das, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Residential mobility of foreign population in Barcelona, 2000-2004 Jordi Bayona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Antonio López, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Kinship relationships and reproductive biographies in Italy Laura Bernardi, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Paola Di Giulio, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Knowledge and use of developmental thinking about societies and families among teenagers in Argentina Georgina Binstock, Centro de Estudios de Población ; Arland Thornton, University of Michigan
A different understanding of probability in a probabilistic population projection model and its outcomes Christina Bohk, University of Rostock ; Thomas Salzmann, University of Rostock
Marital union dissolution in East and West Germany - The impact of women's labour force participation on marital stability Karin Böttcher, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Pathway to a third child in France. impact of family policy and sociodemographic factors Didier Breton, Université Marc Bloch Strasbourg 2 and Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED) ; France Prioux, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Projecting the immigrant population of Norway by age, sex and country background Helge Brunborg, Statistics Norway ; Inger Texmon, Statistics Norway
Health attitudes and behaviour as predictors of self-rated health in relation to mortality patterns (17 year follow-up in Polish elderly - Cracow study) Piotr Brzyski ; Beata Tobiasz-Adamczyk
Age at menopause and menopausal transition: perspectives of Indian rural women Hussain Khan C. G., Karnatak University, Dharwad ; Jyoti S Hallad, JSS Institute of Economic Research, Dharwad, India
The heirs of sexual revolution Marcantonio Caltabiano, Università di Padova ; Francesco C. Billari, Università Bocconi ; Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna, University of Padua
The economics of population ageing in Turkey: a country at the onset of population ageing Sebnem Canpolat, Hacettepe University
Concentration of mortality increase among manual workers in soviet Latvia and Russia Elwood Carlson, Florida State University ; Evgeni Andreev, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Rasmus Hoffmann, University of Rostock ; Tatiana Kharkova, Russian Academy of Science ; Vladimir Shkolnikov, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
The decline of fertility in Scotland compared with England Patrick Carroll
Induced abortion and contraception in central Asian states and Turkey Alanur Cavlin Bozbeyoglu, Hacettepe University
Data quality assessment of birth history data in Turkey demographic and health surveys Yadigar Coskun, Hacettepe University
Men and women after a union dissolution. Gender differences in economic and living condition Alessandra De Rose, Università di Roma "La Sapienza" ; Daniele Spagnoli
Mortality and life expectancy of elderly people after World War II in Hungary Erzsébet Debreceni, Center for Social Studies at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Factors affecting the population fertility level: an evaluation of the factor “difficulties reconciling work and family” in Navarra (Spain)” Nuria Del Olmo, University of Navarra ; Carolina Montoro, University of Navarra ; Dolores Lopez, University of Navarra
The evolution of fertility in Europe: a parity analysis Daniel Devolder, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Breast-feeding pattern and its impact on post-partum non-susceptible period of currently married women(15-49) in an Indian state using multivariate hazard model and life table techniques Shankar Dihidar, Indian Statistical Institute
Method of nested linear convolutions for estimating the population's health quality Marina Djakovich, Institute of industrial medicine and human Ecology, Russia ; Ivan Finogenko, Institute of Industrial Medicine and Human Ecology, Russia
Adult mortality in a rural area of Senegal: trends and causes of death Géraldine Duthé, Institut national d'études démographiques (INED) ; Gilles Pison, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Modernization and fertility inhibiting strategies of socieconomic and cultural groups in Turkey Mehmet Ali Eryurt, Hacettepe University
Transitioning motherhood: entering adulthood with a baby Ann Evans, Australian National University
The demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Gustav Feichtinger, Vienna University of Technology ; Maria E. Winkler-Dworak, Vienna Institute of Demography ; Alexia Fuernkranz-Prskawetz, Vienna Institute of Demography ; Inga Freund, Vienna Institute of Demography ; Vladimir Veliov, Vienna University of Technology
Exploring demographic differences in health status and health services use by older adults. A comparative study between Canada and Spain Gloria Fernandez-Mayoralas, Institute of Economics and Geography. Spanish Council for Scientific Research ; Mark W Rosenberg, Queen's University, Australia ; Fermina Rojo-Perez, Institute of Economics and Geography. Spanish Council for Scientific Research ; Maria-Eugenia Prieto-Flores, Institute of Economics and Geography. Spanish Council for Scientific Research ; Jennifer Goy, Queen's University, Australia ; Cecilia Esparza-Catalan, Institute of Economics and Geography. Spanish Council for Scientific Research
Economics, multiculturalism, and gender:competing factors influencing women’s economic behaviour in multicultural setting Yaghoob Foroutan, Australian National University
Sociological roots and epistemological evaluations of populaton theories Yuri Frantsuz, University of Minnesota
Changes in the selected life course events of the Polish Females and Males. Evidence from two Polish Retrospective Surveys: 1991 and 2001 Ewa Fratczak, Warsaw School of Economics ; Janina Jozwiak, Warsaw School of Economics ; Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska, Warsaw School of Economics ; Kamil Sienkiewicz, Warsaw School of Economics ; Urszula Gach-Ciepiela, Warsaw School of Economics
Understanding low fertility in Athens and London: a comparative ethnographic study Katerina Georgiadis, University College London
Levels, differentials and determinants of morbidity in West Bengal, India Soumitra Ghosh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Disparity in injury morbidity and mortality among one-four year children- findings from bangladesh health and injury survey: implication for developing countries M Sheikh Giashudddin, Center for Injury Prevention and Research Bangladesh ; A Rahman, Institute of Child and Mother Health ; AKM Fazlur Rahman, Center for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB)
Social networks and social capital in the immigration process into Hungary Irén Gödri, Demographic Research Institute, Budapest
Gender and family attitudes in early adulthood in Sweden. What is happening to the adult children of Iimmigrants? Calvin Goldscheider, Brown University ; Fran Goldscheider, Brown University ; Eva Bernhardt, Stockholm University
Does space/time dynamics influence the decision to cohabit? Regional patterns of cohabitation in Spain, 1990-2005 María José González, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain ; Pau Baizán, Universitat Pompeu Fabra ; Amy Hsin, University of California, Los Angeles
Russian married women and men in ageing: demographic and social characteristics Irina Gorchkova, Moscow Lomonosov State University
Alternative measurements of the ageing of the labour force. Demo-economic dependency ratios in the case of Italy (2000-2050) Francesca Greguoldo, Univeristy of Rome, La Sapienza
Integration and second generation of immigrants in Italy: an empirical analysis according to the social network perspective Antonella Guarneri, Università La Sapienza-Roma ; Luisa Natale, Università di Cassino ; Giulia Rivellini, Università Cattolica, Milan ; Maura Simone, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Application of remote sensing and GIS for population explosion and land transformation studies in Jaipur region-India Rupesh Gupta, University of Delhi,Delhi,India
Spatial homogamy in the Netherlands: mapping distances between partners Karen Haandrikman, University of Groningen ; Leo van Wissen, University of Groningen and Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) ; Carel Harmsen, Statistics Netherlands ; Inge Hutter, University of Groningen
Disability in Bulgaria – Does it increase or decrease during the period 1992-2004? Kaloyan Haralampiev, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Fertility change and its proximate determinants in Bangladesh Abu Hasanat Mohammad kishowar Hossain, University of Dhaka
Educational differences in the timing of childbearing in Hungary Ildikó Husz, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
An analysis of determinants of internal migration in Russia Vladimir Iontsev, Moscow State University ; Ivan Aleshkovski, Moscow State University
Effective factors on different attitudes of two successive generations towards marriage and fertility. case study: women in Shiraz Iran Jalil Iranmahboob, Centre for Population Studies & Research, Iran ; Sahel Taherianfard, Centre for Population Studies & Research, Iran
Sexual and health behaviour of female floating sex workers in Bangladesh: an emerging health issue M. Mazharul Islam, University of Dhaka
Contraceptive discontinuation, failure and switching behavior in Bangladesh: levels, trends, determinants and policy implications M. Mazharul Islam, University of Dhaka ; Nitai Chakroborty
Men’s awareness of pregnancy care in Bangladesh: a multilevel data analysis Mohammad Amirul Islam, University of Southampton ; Sabu S. Padmadas, University of Southampton ; Peter W.F. Smith, University of Southampton
Overcoming hegemonic norms and binaries in demography: gender, ‘race’ and sexuality within academic demographic discourse Nadja Jacubowski, University of Groningen ; Ajay Bailey, University of Groningen ; Inge Hutter, University of Groningen
Suicidal mortality in Russia and Ukraine Diana L Jdanova, Independent Consultant ; Nataliya M Levchuk, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine
Measures of widowhood in contemporary China Quanbao Jiang, Institute for Population and Development Studies, Xi'an Jiaotong University ; Shuzhuo Li, Xi'an Jiaotong University
International migration and Russia Andrey Kamenskiy
Sterilization in Iran: wide use of a radical method in a fundamentalist Islamic society Shahla Kazemi-pour Sabet, Faculty of Social Sciences,Tehran University ; Amir-Houshang Mehryar, Ministry of Science, Research & Technology of Iran ; Bahram Delavar, Ministry of Science, Iran. ; Hassan Eini Zinab, Regional Center for Population Reseach & Studies in Asia and the Pacific ; Sahel Taherianfard, Centre for Population Studies & Research, Iran
Demographic transition and marital status of women in Iran Shahla Kazemi-pour Sabet, Faculty of Social Sciences,Tehran University ; Mohammad Mirzaie, University of Tehran ; Abtin Rahimian, Population Studies and Research Center, Iran
The fertility pattern among non-Estonians in Estonia follows the trends in St. Petersburg Katja Kesseli, University of Helsinki ; Mika Gissler, National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES)
Does fertility decrease the welfare of households? An analysis of poverty dynamics and fertility in Indonesia Jungho Kim, Vienna Institute of Demography ; Henriette Engelhardt, Austrian Academy of Sciences ; Alexia Fuernkranz-Prskawetz, Vienna Institute of Demography ; Arnstein Aassve, University of Essex
Demographic differentials and demographic integration of Turkish and Kurdish populations in Turkey Ismet Koc, Hacettepe University ; Alanur Cavlin Bozbeyoglu, Hacettepe University
Comparative determination of factors that affect fertility for Turkish and Kurdish populations according to the usage of contraceptive methods Güler Kocberber ; Sebnem Canpolat, Hacettepe University
Living arrangements of the elderly in Poland Jolanta Kurkiewicz, Cracow University of Economics
Some immigrants are more transnational than others: transnationalism as differential factor of integration Carmen Lamela, Universidade da Coruña
Cohort fertility patterns and education in the Nordic countries Trude Lappegård, Statistics Norway ; Gunnar Andersson, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Lisbeth B. Knudsen, Aalborg University ; Marit Rønsen, Statistics Norway
Where is education in a transition economy heading? The case of Latvia Zane Leduskrasta, University of Latvia
Living Arrangements of Elderly Persons from Migrant Populations in Belgium Edith Lodewijckx, Population and Family Study Centre, Brussels
Mortality and causes of death among persons over 85 in the European Union Laura Lorenzo, Spanish Council for Scientific Research ; Elisa Suárez, Spanish Council for Scientific Research
Modern pattern of migration from Uzbekistan to the European countries Lyudmila Maksakova, Center for Effective Economic Policy, Uzbekistan
The multiresidential system of the inhabitants of the Barcelona metropolitan area. The migratory trajectories as explanatory factor Ajenjo Marc ; Joan Alberich, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Nonconsensual marital sex and reproductive health among Filipino youth Maria Paz N. Marquez, University of the Philippines
Attitudes toward gender emancipation and family formation patterns in EEC region Ausra Maslauskaite, Demographic Research Center, Lithuania ; Vlada Stankuniene, Demographic Research Center, Lithuania
Who follows whom? Female part-time employment in West Germany, East Germany and Poland Anna Matysiak, Warsaw School of Economics ; Stephanie Steinmetz, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) and Mannheim University
Living arrangements after marital dissolution: findings from the European Community Household Panel Stefano Mazzuco, Università di Padova ; Silvia Meggiolaro, Università di Padova ; Fausta Ongaro, Università di Padova
Human development, reproductive behavior and fertility: an analysis of provincial differences in Iran Amir-Houshang Mehryar, Ministry of Science, Research & Technology of Iran ; Hassan Eini Zinab, Regional Center for Population Reseach & Studies in Asia and the Pacific ; Nader Motie -Haghshenas, Ministry of Science, Research & Technology of Iran ; Shirin Ahmadnia, Ministry of Science, Research & Technology, Iran
Childless at age 30 Anneli Miettinen, The Population Research Institute, Helsinki ; Pirjo Paajanen, The Population Research Institute, Helsinki
Present trends of birth rate in Siberia: an attempt at analysis at macro and micro levels Anna Mikheeva, Novosibirsk State University, Russia
The instrumental character of demographic transition in Republic Of Macedonia Goran Miladinov, Independant Consultant
Female-headed households in a male-dominatedsSociety, Iran Elahe Mirzaee, Regional Center for Population Reseach & Studies in Asia and the Pacific ; Amir-Houshang Mehryar, Ministry of Science, Research & Technology of Iran ; Gholam Ali Farjadi, Regional Center for Population Reseach & Studies in Asia and the Pacific
Dimensions of population ageing in Iran and its socioeconomic and health implications: new prospects Nader Motie -Haghshenas, Ministry of Science, Research & Technology of Iran
School-to-work transition: gender differences in the choices of the Italian secondary school graduates Paola Muccitelli, Instituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT) ; Rottino Fabio Massimo, Instituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT) ; Azzurra Tivoli, Instituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)
Cancer mortality is higher among taller men in two cohorts of US Army officers Ulrich Mueller, University of Marburg ; Allan Mazur, Syracuse University ; Afiafi Marie Renee Afanou, University of Marburg
Is investing in population health indeed good for economic growth? Ulrich Mueller, University of Marburg ; Joerg W. Fromme, Independent Consultant ; Ursula F Trummer, Ludwig Boltzmann-Institute for the Sociology of Health and Medicine, Vienna University ; Roberto Lorbeer, University of Marburg
Life span and career outcome in several cohorts of US navy and US army officers - directions of causality Ulrich Mueller, University of Marburg ; Tobias Biegel, University of Marburg ; Kerstin Walter, University of Marburg
Does the “maternal altruism hypothesis” hold true among poor populations in southern India? Sivakami Muthusamy, Institute for Social and Economic Change
Economic and non-economic aspects of individual fertility choices – an example from Poland Monika Mynarska, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Health transition in Iran: results of the 18 Province study of mortality by cause of death Mohsen Naghavi, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Iran ; Abolghasm Pour Reza, Regional Center for Population Reseach & Studies in Asia and the Pacific ; Amir-Houshang Mehryar, Ministry of Science, Research & Technology of Iran
Does reproductive health care srvices reduce the risk of neonatal death among religious minority In Matlab, Bangladesh Lutfun Nahar, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research ; Abdur Razzaque, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research ; AHM Golam Mustafa, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research
Family structure outcomes of alternative family definitions Charles B. Nam, Florida State University ; Kathryn H. Tillman, Florida State University
Health, maternal mortality and morbidity: mother to child survival at higher risk for young women and teenage mothers Onyinye belinda Ndubuisi, Development Partnership International, Nigeria ; Comfort Ikechi Uzoho, Development Partnership International, Nigeria
Family policies and fertility in Europe. Fertility policies at the intersection of gender policies, employment policies and care policies Gerda Neyer, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Culture and feeding practices: major underlying causes of childhood malnutrition in developing countries Olasupo P. Ogunjuyigbe, Obafemi Awolowo University ; Ebenezer Ojofeitimi, Obafemi Awolowo University
Economic consequences of marital dissolution in Italy: findings from European Community Household Panel Fausta Ongaro, Università di Padova ; Silvia Meggiolaro, Università di Padova ; Stefano Mazzuco, Università di Padova
Highly educated women and reasons to become a mother at different phases of life Pirjo Paajanen, The Population Research Institute, Helsinki ; Anneli Miettinen, The Population Research Institute, Helsinki
Political borders and demographic trends in Europe Roberta Pace, University of Bari ; Lucrezia Andria, University of Bari
Mortality changes Among elderly in Kerala and India: 1970–2000 Ramachandran Paida, Sri Venkateswara Univeristy ; Jareena Shaik, Sri Venkateswara University
Roma/Gypsy population in Bulgaria as a challenge for the policy relevance Alexey Pamporov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The disassociation between the onset of sexual and marital life of the urban women and men in Mexico Adriana Pérez Amador, National Institute of Statistics Geography and Informatics (INEGI)
The division of household labour among dual-earner parents in Norway - The effect of employment schedules Silje Vatne Pettersen, Statistics Norway
Portrait of ageing of population in Georgia Nato Pitskhelauri, Tbilisi State University ; Nino Chikhladze, Tbilisi State University ; Tamar Shinjiashvili, Tbilisi State University
Unemployment and matrimony in the territorial aspect in Poland, 1998-2004 Malgorzata Podogrodzka, Warsaw School of Economics
“Reproduction of the species is not compatible with industrial society" (Kingsley Davis, 1937): New Zealand(NZ), a case-study english-speaking country (ESCS) Ian Pool, University of Waikato ; Janet Sceats, Portal Consulting and Associates Ltd. ; A Dharmalingam, Monash University
Sequencing norms in transition to motherhood in two generations of Slovak women Michaela Potancokova, Charles University, Prague
Advance or delay of the onset of disability among Spanish elderly? 1994-2004 Maria Dolores Puga, CSIC, Spain ; Antonio Abellán
Mortality orecasting by causes of death in the framework of multistate population projection László G. Radnóti, Hungarian Central Statistical Office
Tourism and sexual behavior: experiences of youths in Goa, India Usha Ram, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Migration and fishing in West Africa Sara Randall, University College London
Child morbidity and breastfeeding status in India Rajiv Ranjan, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Balram Paswan, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Reproductive tract infections among recently pregnant women in Rural India. An Evidence from Reproductive and Child Health survey Rajiv Ranjan, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Laishram Ladusingh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
The Influences of economic conditions on fertility intentions of Russian men Dorothea Rieck, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Analysis of waves of immigration to Israel, 1989-2001 Ilan Riss, Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics
Aging, longevity and lonely households in the south of Europe: the Spanish case Elena Robles, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia ; Rosa Gómez-Redondo, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Estimation of the life expectancy of persons with down’s syndrome through a longitudinal survival model Aldo Rosano, Italian Institute of Social Medicine
Social contagion of the "delay syndrome" in Italy Alessandro Rosina, Università Cattolica, Milan ; Paola Di Giulio, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Contraceptive frailty: an analysis of prospective contraceptive histories, France, 2000-2004 Clementine Rossier, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED) ; Jean-Marie Le Goff, Université de Lausanne
Polish households savings for future life on pension Malgorzata Roszkiewicz, Warsaw School of Economics ; Jolanta Perek-Bialas, Jagiellonian University
Are Czech children a matter of concern? Jitka Rychtarikova, Charles University, Prague ; Jaroslav Kraus, Charles University, Prague
Trends and differentials in life expectancies in India: an analysis based on NFHS data Sulaja S, Futures Group, India ; Jayachandran V, Futures Group, India
Atlas of reproductive and child health (RCH) in India Mocherla S.R. Murthy, Sri Venkateswara University ; Putcha Venkata, Kings College, London
Participation of males in decision making as an index of their perceived involvement in reproductive and child health in Tamil Nadu, India Ravi Sankar, Annamalai University
Reaching the unreached: older women and the RCH programme in India, the challenges ahead Syamala T. Sankaranarayanan, Institute for Social and Economic Change
Population pressure on development and environment in India Dayanand G Satihal, Indian Institute of Health Management (IIHMR) ; LD Vaikunthe, Indian Institute of Health Management (IIHMR)
A survey on social effective factors on women's job security: a case study of private hospitals of Shiraz City (Iran) Arezou Sayadi, Shiraz University, Iran ; saaid Zahed.Zahedani, Shiraz University, Iran ; Jalil Iranmahboob, Centre for Population Studies & Research, Iran
Population projections in Belgium and in France since the 1930s. Confrontation to reality and identification of errors Bruno D. Schoumaker, Université Catholique de Louvain ; Amel Bahri, Université Catholique de Louvain ; François Peltier, Université catholique de Louvain
The changing meaning of cohabitation: evidence from Bologna, Italy Christin Schroeder, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Using routine databases of statutory sickness funds for population wide analysis of depressive morbidity in Germany Friedrich W. Schwartz, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover ; Thomas G Grobe, ISEG ; Anke Brahmesfeld, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Fertility: the dynamic of birth interval in Bangladesh Abdul Hannan Shaikh
Value of children, fertility behavious and contraception use in an Agricultural society in Uttar Pradesh, India Ravendra K. Sharma, Indian Council of Medical Research
Spread of western marital behavior in Georgia Tamar Shinjiashvili, Tbilisi State University ; Nino Chikhladze, Tbilisi State University ; Ketevan Asatashvili, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg
Italian people abroad: problems and methods Angela Silvestrini, Instituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT) ; Giovanni Cariani, Instituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT) ; Pier Paolo Pace, Instituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)
Village size and Development in India Abhishek Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Tarun K. Roy, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Sandip Chakraborty, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Couples reproductive goals in two culturally contrasting states of North Eastern India Abhishek Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Faujdar Ram, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Fetters in advancement of education and employment: a case study of SC/ST population in India Vini Sivanandan, Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics, India ; Sajikumar S, University of Kerala, India
The demography of lone parenthood in the UK Alexandra J Skew, University of Southampton
Depopulation, disappearance and resurgence: the population history of the Aboriginal people of Victoria Len Smith, Australian National University ; Janet McCalman, University of Melbourne ; Ian Anderson, University of Melbourne
Reproductive health problems among urban women :a study of four metro cities in India Ruchi Sogarwal, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
The procreative behaviours of the generations born in 1942 - 1966 in Poland in the context of their plans and aspirations Ewa Soja, Cracow University of Economics
Be clear before gettitng involved in sex: the impact of sex before marriage amongst young people in Cambodia Tong Soprach, University of Cambodia
Internet and multimedia demography: what's new? Eugeny Soroko, Russian Academy of Sciences
The situation of the aged people in Benin Fortuné Sossa, National Institute of the Statistical and the Economic Analysis, Bénin
Regional cause-of-death mortality in Spain in 1960 and 1970: A multivariate analysis and tentative explanations Jeroen JA Spijker, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Amand Blanes
People mobility and its model Oleg V Staroverov, CEMI RAS, Russia
Human capital on the ageing labour market - methods of measurement on example of Poland Marcin Stonawski, Cracow University of Economics
Why on average is not enough? - The microsimulation projection of the pension distribution in Poland Pawel Strzelecki, Warsaw School of Economics
At the margins of the welfare state: living arrangements and housing conditions of immigrants in Spain Elisa Suárez, Spanish Council for Scientific Research ; Laura Lorenzo, Spanish Council for Scientific Research ; Teresa Castro Martin, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Old age with and without children: economic implications in Italy Maria-Letizia Tanturri, University of Pavia ; Gustavo De Santis, Università di Messina ; Chiara Seghieri, University of Florence
An analysis of the most recent national workshops on Italian population studies accordingtTo a network perspective Laura Terzera, Università Milano, Bicocca ; Giulia Rivellini, Università Cattolica, Milan
Family formation in France: between preferences and social constraints Maria Rita Testa, Vienna Institute of Demography ; Laurent Toulemon, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Psychosocial work conditions as a predictors of quality of life at the beginning of older age Beata Tobiasz-Adamczyk ; Piotr Brzyski
Socio-demographic analysis of early age mortality in the southeastern part of Turkey Kazım Tuğ, Hacettepe University
Peculiarities of migration processes in post-Soviet Georgia Mirian Tukhashvili, Tbilisi State University ; Tamaz Zubiashvili, Tbilisi State University
Intergenerational transmission of fertility, review of up to date research and some new evidence from Bejsce parish register reconstitution study, 18th – 20th centuries, Poland Krzysztof Tymicki, Warsaw School of Economics
Women's view on women's employment: the case of Afghan migrants in Mashad/Iran Sajede Vaezzade, Jahad-e Daneshgahi
Family name and family structure : which perceptions ? Marie-France Valetas, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Trends in fertility and population ageing in multiethnic Transylvania (Romania) Valér Veres, Babes-Bolyai University
Physical accessibility to government health facilities and health outcomes: a study of selected states based on NFHS-2, 1998-99 Kanwaljeet Virdi, Jawaharlal Nehru University
The impact of internal migration on italian fertility Michael J. White, Brown University ; Anna Paterno, Università di Bari ; Giuseppe Gabrielli, Università di Bari
Children’s experiences of the work/life balance Helena L Wilson, University of Liverpool
Fertility transition and the progression to third birth in Turkey Sutay Yavuz, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Female sterilization in Turkey Elif Yiğit, Hacettepe University
Male involvement in contraceptive use in Turkey Elif Yiğit, Hacettepe University
Benefits of women's education within marriage: evidence from South Africa Haochi Zheng, University of Minnesota
The phenomenon of patterns: gender gaps in mortality Nadine Zielonke, Vienna Institute of Demography ; Marc Luy, University of Rostock
Is the allocation of kidney-transplants among MEDICARE patients in the US maximizing the total gain in health expectancy among all potential recipients ? Monique Zimmermann-Stenzel, University of Marburg ; Ulrich Mueller, University of Marburg