Changes in the selected life course events of the Polish Females and Males. Evidence from two Polish Retrospective Surveys: 1991 and 2001
Ewa Fratczak, Warsaw School of Economics
Janina Jozwiak, Warsaw School of Economics
Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska, Warsaw School of Economics
Kamil Sienkiewicz, Warsaw School of Economics
Urszula Gach-Ciepiela, Warsaw School of Economics
The basic changes in the life careers of Polish males and females in the transition period related to family and fertility, educational, occupational and migratory careers. The basic events constituting each of the career are: births, union/marriage formation and dissolution, entry or exit to and from education system and labor market. The basic evidence from the two Polish Retrospective Surveys: 1991 (“FFS”), and 2001 (“The evaluation of changes in attitudes and reproductive behaviors of young and middle generations female and male Poles ...”) are: 1. declining intensity of first and next births, declining intensity of the first marriages, increasing intensity of divorces, 2. improving level of education, increasing time of stay in the education process, 3. increase in the average age at the entry into labor market, increasing risk to be unemployed, rising instability in the labor marker, 4. declining intensity of internal migrations both among males and females.
Presented in Poster Session 1