Political borders and demographic trends in Europe
Roberta Pace, University of Bari
Lucrezia Andria, University of Bari
During the XXth Century, the “demographic Europe” has been broken in two parts. At the beginning this fracture was considered as a result of the temporally difference in the onset of the demographic transitional process. Later on this difference has been interpreted as one of the main expression of the geopolitical division of the Continent in two different socio-political systems. The research will be focused on the analysis of the effects produced by borders changes on the population trends. Analysing, in a comparative way, demographic trends of frontiers’ populations we will try to turn up to a synthesis of the cases that in the European context - particularly in Eastern Europe - seems to better show the relation between political frontiers and demographic regimes. The analysis will focus mainly on stock and flows’ data concerning international migration, population movements, marriages, births, deaths, etc., coming from national and international sources.
Presented in Poster Session 1