The impact of population mobility on the availability and the adqeuacy of basic services in resettlement camps arround greater Khartoum
Osman Nour
The civil war in the Southern region of the Sudan (since 1955).which was over by the recent peace agreement ( january 2005),has driven millions of Southerners from their homes. According to UNDP and UNCHS reports the civil war has displaced about 4 millions people . Recently the civil war extended to the Western part of the country ( Darfour). Most of the displaced people have moved to the three towns of Greater Khartoum. There are about 96 resettlement camps and squatter areas,with poor and inadequate basic services. environmental sanitation in these settlements is very poor. Infant and Child mortality rates being 110 and 145 per 1000 respectively. The main objective of the proposed study is to examine the impact population mobility on the availability and the adequacy of basic services in the recent resettlement camps arround Greater Khartoum . The study will use various sources of data recently coducted by the author and other organizations.
Presented in Poster Session 1