Comparative determination of factors that affect fertility for Turkish and Kurdish populations according to the usage of contraceptive methods
Güler Kocberber
Sebnem Canpolat, Hacettepe University
In this study, Turkish and Kurdish Populations in Turkey are compared according to their fertility and family structures. In the study, while Turkish population refers to the population lives in Turkey and their mother tongue is Turkish, Kurdish Population means that population lives in Turkey and speaks Kurdish as a mother tongue. Furthermore, both population structures will be examined in respect of the usage of contraceptive methods. Factors that affect fertility are determined for both Turkish and Kurdish populations by using bivariate probit model. Similarities and/or diversities in these factors are determined separately for both populations. The primary data used in this study came from two principal sources: 1998 and 2003 Turkey Demographic and Health Surveys (TDHS).
Presented in Poster Session 1