Advance or delay of the onset of disability among Spanish elderly? 1994-2004
Maria Dolores Puga, CSIC, Spain
Antonio Abellán
The study analyzes the model of the onset of disability among the Spanish elderly. In the analysis we observed if there has been produced a progressive postponement of the problems of dependency among the Spanish population towards more advanced ages, since foresee some of the more acquaintances theoretical frames. It is a question to know if the years gained to the death are lived in good or bad health conditions. To know the trend and the changes operated on the dependency has important consequences for the provision of the systems of health and especially of long term care. The conclusions also allow to suggest interventions on behaviours and healthy ways of life. The study tries to contribute hereby to the active aging and prevention of the dependency policies. Key words: dependency, disability, daily-life activities, onset of disability, long term care, healthy aging, prevention
Presented in Poster Session 1