A survey on social effective factors on women's job security: a case study of private hospitals of Shiraz City (Iran)
Arezou Sayadi, Shiraz University, Iran
saaid Zahed.Zahedani, Shiraz University, Iran
Jalil Iranmahboob, Centre for Population Studies & Research, Iran
Since women’s employment is a new phenomenon yet, and it doesn’t take into account as a necessity for women like men, women’s job security also in direction of women’s employment, is a problem that relates to those affective factors on women’s employment. In this research, has been tried to examine and explain effect of factors such as women’s education, husband’s education, kind of job for women, women’s income, husband’s income,, father’s income, full or part time job, flexibility of work, profession, home affairs, and property, on job security. Hypothesis of this research is based on existing significant relationship between mentioned factors with job security. Information of this study has been gathered by questionnaire and it has been used appropriate statistical method such as chi-square, regression and correlation for testing research hypothesis. The results show all mentioned variables except father’s income and women’s income have significant relationship with job security.
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Presented in Poster Session 1