Couples reproductive goals in two culturally contrasting states of North Eastern India
Abhishek Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Faujdar Ram, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Until recently, fertility and family planning research in developing countries has primarily focused on women. Data on fertility intention, contraception, contraceptive attitude, sex preference, etc. is generally collected from a select group of women However, husbands who are the main decision makers on these issues were missing. To what extent couples agree with each other on fertility desires and intention to use family planning in future has a major role not only in determining the family size but also in the process of fertility transition. The present paper tries to investigate this question in two culturally contrasting states of North Eastern India. The two states under study are Meghalaya and Manipur. Meghalaya is a matriarchal society where as Manipur is a patriarchal society. We have sufficient evidence from the present analysis to support the hypothesis that culture has considerable influence on the reproductive intention of the couples.
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Presented in Poster Session 1