Application of remote sensing and GIS for population explosion and land transformation studies in Jaipur region-India
Rupesh Gupta, University of Delhi,Delhi,India
Problems related to rapid transformations of land use have reached a level of significant impact, this unabated trend is increasing pressure on the limited land available in the city and its environs. The expansion of the city towards the north and the east was restricted because of physical constraints, development therefore, continued towards the south, manifold in the last few decades both in terms of population and in the extent of area. Keeping in view of the above, the present study has been performed to assess the land transformation patterns by change detection in land use of different time periods during 1975 to 2003 of the Jaipur city. This paper is an attempt at using the modern geo-science tools of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System coupled with traditional survey maps to understand the interrelationship and interdependence of the expansion of this spatial sprawl with the current urbane scenario.
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Presented in Poster Session 1