Session 8:
National and regional dimensions of population ageing
Chair: Ladislav Rabusic, Masaryk University, Brno
European ageing populations (25 EU member states, 1950-2000), comparative structural analysis Eleftheria S Androulaki, University of Thessaly, Greece
Rapid population ageing in the Northern Territory of Australia: trends and policy implications Tony Barnes, Charles Darwin University ; Tom Wilson, Charles Darwin University
Future demographic trends in the Council of Europe member states. 2005 - 2050 Marek Kupiszewski, CEFMR, Poland ; Jakub Bijak, Central European Forum for Migration Research ; Beata Nowok, Central European Forum for Migration Research (CEFMR), Poland
The level and dynamics of population ageing in Poland Slawomir Kurek, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland
Regional differentiation of ageing characteristics in Russia Gaiane Safarova, Saint-Petersburg Institute for Economics and Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Other sessions on Population Ageing