Session 14:
Migrant Mortality
Chair: Rasmus Hoffmann, University of Rostock
Impact of migration in women’s health and knowledge of AIDS: a case study of India Praween Kumar Agrawal, Johns Hopkins University and Collaborative Centre, Lucknow, India
The effect of duration of residence on self assessed health among migrants in Belgium Patrick Deboosere, Vrije Universiteit Brussel ; Sylvie Gadeyne, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Child Survival in urban Bangladesh: are the migrants and poor disadvantaged? M. Mazharul Islam, University of Dhaka
Selective migration and infant mortality among Puerto Ricans in the United States Nancy S. Landale, Pennsylvania State University ; Bridget K. Gorman, Rice University ; Sal Oropesa, Pennsylvania State University
Other sessions on Health, Morbidity and Mortality