The effect of duration of residence on self assessed health among migrants in Belgium

Patrick Deboosere, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Sylvie Gadeyne, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

The aim of this study is to describe the effect of the years spent in the host country on self assessed health (SAH) among migrants of different national origin. The Belgian 2001 census (N = 10,295,724) measured SAH by the standard WHO question. Self assessed health is considered to be a good indicator for the multi-dimensional health concept including a wellbeing dimension and a coping or adapting dimension. The insertion of this question in the census offers the possibility to analyse health differences in small population groups. Based on the nationality of birth and/or on the nationality of origin of the parents, 16% of the population can be considered as immigrants of the first or second generation. The broad range of nationalities living in Belgium makes it possible to compare the health effects in different migrant communities and can help to shed some light on the hypotheses on migrant health.

Presented in Session 14: Migrant Mortality