Topics and Sessions
1. Fertility8
. Family and Households8
. Reproductive Health5
. Health, Morbidity and Mortality9
. Regional and Subregional Population Dynamics5
. International Migration and Migrant Populations9
. Population Ageing8
. Population, Development and Environment2
. Data and Methods6
. Population and History3
. Population and Economics1
12. Population and Culture8
. Open Forum / Other topics / Poster Sessions3
. Poster Sessions1
9. Late fertility, twinning and reproductive technologies
12. Fertility trends in Central and Eastern Europe
17. Fertility trends in developing countries
20. Fertility employment and the labour market
36. Fertility, partnerships and intergenerational relations
43. Low fertility in Europe
44. Fertility intentions and preferences
52. Socioeconomic influences on fertility
7. Intergenerational relations
15. Partnership dissolution and children
21. Parenting and child-care
29. Leaving home and family formation
31. Gendering family dynamics network 1
37. Partnerships
47. Gendering family dynamics network 2
53. Marital dissolution
6. Reproductive health
24. Reproductive health and abortion
56. Reproductive health and fertility
72. Reproductive health and infertility
3. Health and mortality in Eastern Europe
11. Family life, health and mortality
14. Migrant Mortality
30. Vanguards: populations with very low mortality
46. Determinants of high and increasing mortality in Eastern Europe
49. Gender relevant mortality research
54. Socio-economic status differences in health and mortality
55. Biodemographic aspects of mortality analysis
71. Methods of mortality analysis
22. Population change on national and regional levels
58. Population forecast and projections of small areas and special groups
60. Internal migration (2)
62. Population processes in urban areas
68. Internal migration (1)
4. International migration flows in Europe
18. Integration process of migrant population
25. Data collection and measurement of international migration
28. Demographic aspects of international migration
33. Changes in the Mediterranean model of immigration
35. What we talk about when we talk about international migration
41. Retirement and elderly migration
57. Managing regular and irregular migration
65. Economic determinants and effects of international migration
5. Future living conditions of elderly people in Europe
8. National and regional dimensions of population ageing
13. Public and policy responses to ageing
19. Demographic change and the family
45. Health and health inequalities at older ages
48. Cross cultural perspectives on resources and wellbeing in later life
61. Ageing and the economy
69. Social ties, living arrangements, care and well-being in later life
32. Population, development and environment in developing countries
64. Developmental thinking about families
16. Bridging the micro-magro gap in forecasting
23. Various national and international data
39. International data
40. Mortality and duration models, a touch of philosophy
63. Projections
73. Various methods
34. Differentital fertility in the past
42. Longitudinal studies of historical mortality
74. Mortality and reproduction
10. Age norms
26. Open forum 1
27. Debate session on population challenges in ageing societies
50. Open forum 2
51. Debate session on new directions in population studies
59. Gender and generations
66. Religion and demographic beaviour
70. Value changes and family formation
1. EAPS Advisory Board Meeting
2. Opening ceremony and Plenary Session
75. Closing session and awards