The Russian HIV case reporting system
Boris P Denisov, Moscow University
HIV/AIDS remains a serious problem for many nations and globally as well. HAART moves the onset of AIDS to elder ages and makes an HIV+ population aт emerging market. For years, many experts considered the collection of records of HIV+ cases as wasted time and money. The experience of Russian recording system deserves demographers' attention. A record consists of name, date and place of birth, place of residence, lab address, reason for an examination, date of the test, desease stage, and the cause of infection (if known). The collection of data bases uniform national law based procedures; obligatory epidemiological inquiry; network of regional AIDS centers; (4) huge amount of the HIV tests. Annual amount of the HIV tests in Russia is 20-24 million. There is obvious need in efforts to bring the available HIV data to demographic analysis.
See paper
Presented in Session 38: HIV AIDS