A picture of foreign integration in Italy: methodology and experiences
Marta Blangiardo, Imperial College, London
Gianluca Baio, University College London
The objective of this contribution is to analyse thoroughly the theme of immigrant population integration within Italian territory. According to the legalization of foreign workers performed by Italian government in 2002 the main aim is to examine how the change of legal status of migrant workers (as a consequence of gaining of legal status) modifies their integration processes. The study has been carried out by a survey based on a random sample of 30,000 units that is representative of the universe of foreign migrants living in Italy. The sample made available some structural, individual and family characteristics of interviewees. The level of integration and the differential aspects related to it are measured by a Bayesian Latent Class model.The sample size and the rich set of items in the questionnaire let the survey be a unique and important contribution to the knowledge of foreigner status and their integration paths.
See paper
Presented in Session 18: Integration process of migrant population