First-time home-ownership in the Netherlands
Annika Smits, University of Amsterdam and Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Clara H. Mulder, University of Amsterdam
This paper addresses the timing of the transition to first-time home-ownership and the way this transition is affected by home-ownership experience in the family and such life events as partnership formation, cohabitation, marriage, employment and the transition to parenthood. Data are derived from the first wave of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study, which became available July 2004. Event-history analysis techniques are used. Information on year of first-time homeownership will be used, as well as information on several environmental-, background and life-event characteristics that influence the housing career. The outcomes will shed light upon the determinants that affect an important aspect of the housing career, that is, the timing of becoming a homeowner.
Presented in Session 29: Leaving home and family formation