Session 62:
Population processes in urban areas
Chair: Anthony G. Champion, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Urbanization in India Pranati Datta, Indian Statistical Institute
Population challenges at a regional level. The social and health districts of Italy Giuseppe Gesano, IRPPS, CNR, Italy ; Frank Heins, IRPPS.CNR, Rome
Demographic and migratory dynamics of two habitats: private housing estates and housing projects in Brussels periurban area Jean-Pierre Hermia, Université catholique de Louvain ; Thierry Eggerickx, Université Catholique de Louvain
Population dynamics in the four big municipalities in the Netherlands: selective migration flows to and from the big cities Han Nicolaas, Statistics Netherlands
Suburbanization, employment change and commuting in the Tallinn metropolitan area Tiit Tammaru, University of Tartu
Other sessions on Regional and Subregional Population Dynamics