Session 45:
Health and health inequalities at older ages
Chair: Patrick Festy, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Functional disability and diabetes among Latin American and Caribbean elders Flavia Andrade, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Health inequalities tracking into old age: examples and prospects from The English Longitudinal Study Of Ageing (ELSA) Elizabeth Breeze, University College London ; Mary Pierce, University College London ; James Nazroo, University College London ; Michael Marmot, University College London
Do elderly people feel sad and depressed? Mental health of ageing people. A cross-country comparison based on SHARE Isabella Buber-Ennser, Vienna Institute of Demography
Gender differences in the onset of disease at old age: the effects of socio-economic and behavioural factors. Results from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Edlira Gjonca, University College London ; Arjan Gjonca, London School of Economics
Mortality in old age: an investigation in the MRC Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (MRC CFAS) Cherie McCracken, Royal Liverpool University Hospital
Other sessions on Population Ageing