Session 35:
What we talk about when we talk about international migration
Chair: Corrado Bonifazi, IRPPS.CNR, Rome
How many and who? An up-date picture of the foreign migrants in Italy Gian Carlo Blangiardo, University Milan, Bicocca ; Maria-Letizia Tanturri, University of Pavia
Migration from the ‘New’ Europe to the UK: assessing its regional and local impacts Anthony G. Champion, University of Newcastle upon Tyne ; Cheryl Conway, University of Newcastle upon Tyne ; Mike Coombes, University of Newcastle upon Tyne ; Stuart Dawley, University of Newcastle upon Tyne ; Ranald Richardson, University of Newcastle upon Tyne ; Alison Stenning, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
National sovereignty and its alternatives: an assessment of the report of the Global Commission on International Migration Paul Demeny, Population Council
Educational factors in the economic integration of foreign population in Belgium Serge Feld, Université de Liège ; Madeleinne Nantcho ; Perin Sophie, Université de Liège
Official International Migration Statistics in the EU - Data Availability and Comparability Dorota Kupiszewska, Central European Forum for Migration Research (CEFMR) ; Beata Nowok, Central European Forum for Migration Research (CEFMR), Poland
Other sessions on International Migration and Migrant Populations