Session 34:
Differentital fertility in the past
Chair: José Antonio Ortega, Universidad de Salamanca
Remarriage in a pre-transitional Italian Community Marco Breschi, University of Sassari ; Alessio Fornasin, University of Udine ; Matteo Manfredini, University of Parma ; Laura Rizzi, University of Udine ; Giovanna Gonano, University of Sassari
Childbearing ‘out there’ In ‘better Britain’: ‘How’ & ‘Why’ the fertility Of New Zealand Pakeha (=British-origin) colonists differed from That Of Their British Victorian Peers Ian Pool, University of Waikato
Reproductive choices and reproductive constraints in Spain during the demographic transition: Familial, social and intergenerational Contexts David Reher, Universidad Complutense de Madrid ; Alberto Sanz-Gimeno, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
From large, wealthy families to childless success? Walter Scheidel, Stanford University ; Vegard Skirbekk, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) ; Hans-Peter Kohler, University of Pennsylvania
Population development of the Jewish population in Bohemia between the Years 1850 and 1939 Jana Vobecka, Charles University in Prague
Other sessions on Population and History