Session 27:
Debate session on population challenges in ageing societies
Chair: Nico van Nimwegen, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
Policy challenges from a European Union perspective. Where do we stand with the Green Paper “Confronting Demographic Change: a new solidarity between the generations”? And where will we go? Julius Op de beke, European Commission
What are the policy challenges in the field of fertility and the family? Is low fertility here to stay? Is there a fertility trap and have we fallen into it? Can fertility trends be influenced by policies? Should policies aim for this and, if yes, how? Anna Cabré, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
What are the policy challenges in the field of Health and Mortality? Can we cope with the Health Care Challenge of population ageing? How does this Care Challenge look like from a demographic perspective? Patrick Festy, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
What do Europeans want from their policy makers? Which population-related policies are prefered by European women and men? Are these preferences feasible and affordable and who should pay the bill? Charlotte Hoehn, Bundesinstitut fur Bevolkerungsforschung
Is the end of European population growth and the onset of population decline a blessing in disguise or a wake up call? Which policies are needed to cope with population decline? Wolfgang Lutz, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Other sessions on Population and Culture