Session 25:
Data collection and measurement of international migration
Chair: Otto Andersen, Denmarks Statistics
Transformation of migration data collection in post-soviet countries. (Case of the Russian Federation) Olga Chudinovskikh
Conceptualisation of international migration flows Gustav Lebhart, Statistics Austria ; Stephan Marik-Lebeck, Statistics Austria
The World in names: new geographies of ethnic minorities revealed through family name and personal name analysis Pablo Mateos, University College London ; Richard Webber, University College London ; Paul Longley, University College London
Relations between measurements of iInternational migration statistics Beata Nowok, Central European Forum for Migration Research (CEFMR), Poland
Statistics on residence permits in the scope of demographic estimates Xavier Thierry, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Other sessions on International Migration and Migrant Populations