Session 15:
Partnership dissolution and children
Chair: Lynda Clarke, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Non-resident fatherhood in Britain: factors affecting contact and the payment of maintenance Ann Berrington, University of Southampton ; Isabel Cobos Hernandez, Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Centre ; Roger Ingham, University of Southampton ; Jim E. Stevenson, University of Southampton
Children’s living arrangements and experiences of family disruption In Sweden, 1975-2000 Sheela Kennedy, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Elizabeth Thomson, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Expenses, norms or practical considerations? The effect of income and education on non-residents fathers' contact with their children. The case of Norway Ragni Hege Kitterød ; Jan Lyngstad
Bereavement and the risk of divorce Torkild Lyngstad, Statistics Norway
Risk of dissolution of families with children. An analysis of married and cohabiting couples with children Kari Skrede, Statistics Norway ; Turid Noack, Statistics Norway ; Ane Seierstad, Statistics Norway ; Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik, Statistics Norway
Other sessions on Family and Households