Ageing in transition. Austria and Hungary 1985-2000

Etelka Daróczi, Demographic Research Institute, Budapest

Research issue to be addressed: Similarities and dissimilarities in the contribution of initial age structure, fertility and mortality to demographic ageing in Austria and Hungary. Have similarities increased following the transition in Hungary? In what way? Basic demographic data derive from the UNECED Demographic Database: annual number of births by age of mother, population and deaths by age and sex 1985–2000. Two indicators of ageing are considered: (a) the ratio of population aged 65+ over 0–14 and (b) the ratio of population aged 80+ over 65–79. An attempt is made to compare changes in these two ratios between countries and decompose them to the impacts of age structure, and age-specific fertility/mortality rates. Structural effects are estimated using the European standard age composition.

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Presented in Session 74: Mortality and reproduction