From migrant mortality advantage to allochtone mortality differentials: the impact of naturalisation and place of birth in Belgium

Amel Bahri, Université Catholique de Louvain
Héléna Rajabaly, Université Catholique de Louvain
Thierry Eggerickx, Université Catholique de Louvain

The Belgian population is characterised by a heterogeneous allochtone population, issued from different migration periods. Because of the presence of a second generation and the naturalisation of a part of the immigrants, the allochtone population has specific demographic characteristics, especially mortality differentials. This article does not focus on the immigrant mortality advantage but on the differentials of allochtone population. We use some criteria issued from population register (migration or birth in Belgium, nationality at birth, naturalisation, duration of stay) to take into account the reality of the entire allochtone population. The typology build allows to develop analyse of the allochtone mortality. We used event history analysis to reveal the impact of naturalisation and place of birth in the different generations and nationalities. First analysis show that, compared to native born Belgians, not only immigrant population has a mortality advantage but also naturalized population. People with a foreign nationality and people born in Belgium with a foreign nationality do also have a low standardized mortality ratio. But these results differ according to the country of nationality.

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Presented in Session 28: Demographic aspects of international migration