International and internal migrations in Albania: migratory patterns and consequences on population structures

Byron Kottzamanis, University of Thessaly
Michalis Agorastakis, University of Thessaly

Albania’s pathway to transition was accompanied by intense geographic mobility in the form of internal and external migration. In this paper we will focus to this mobility, using Census data (1989/2001) at District level. Descriptive analysis of the data, will be based on a simulation of the expected population (>12 years old) at 2001, the observed population at the last census on one hand, and an Origin-Destination Matrix for internal migration on the other. This analysis will enable us (with some assumptions on mortality) to estimate the intensity of the migratory movements as well as the weight of internal and international migration in order to define geographical patterns and to estimate the consequences of the outflow, classifying the Districts according to migration patterns and consequences on their population structure.

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Presented in Session 4: International migration flows in Europe