Patterns of first partnership formation across generations and gender: the case of Baltic countries

Allan Puur, Estonian Interuniversity Population Research Centre
Kalev Katus, Estonian Interuniversity Population Research Centre
Asta Põldma, Estonian Interuniversity Population Research Centre

The paper focuses on the changes in first partnership formation in the Baltic countries. Earlier research has indicated that particularly in Estonia and Latvia the shift away from direct marriage has started relatively early, certainly before the 1990s. The paper aims to take a closer look on this development, paying particular attention to differences across gender and birth cohorts in the changing societal context.We intend to use the data from the Family and Fertility Surveys conducted in the Baltic countries in 1994-1997. To analyse the entry into first partnership, the paper foresees the application of hazard regression models. The transitions into first union, whether by marriage or cohabitation, will be modeled separately for women and men in each country, independent variables include among others educational attainment, labour market status, characteristics of parental home, and possibly some attitudinal measures concerning partnership.

Presented in Session 47: Gendering family dynamics network 2