Level of education of immigrants and their integration in the Italian labour market

Sabina Mazza, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"

The paper aims at analysing some aspects of integration of the immigrant populations. Firstly, the level of education of the immigrants is analysed as a factor related with their integration in the labour market, taking into account the country in which they have been educated (e.g. in the country of origin or in Italy). This information is related to other variables such as gender, present age, age at the entry in Italy, and country of origin of the immigrant. Relevant information on the working dimension of the immigrants such as kind of activity, job position and area field of employment, are also analysed. These data are related with other demographic-social information and, in particular, the existence of a correspondence between level of education and working position is analysed.

Presented in Session 65: Economic determinants and effects of international migration